Maine Rental Application Form
Since 2020, Maine has become one of the states that have seen the highest number of new residents in the country. That means there is a growing number of both landlords and tenants in the state.
One of the ways landlords ensure new tenants are a good match they will use a Rental Application Form.
With a Maine Rental Application Form, a landlord will be able to make a decision on if you are a good candidate or not based on your background, including criminal history.
The information in the application will tell a landlord if you have good credit, enough income to pay the rent on time, and your eviction record if you have one.
The landlord, in the end, has the final say on which rental application form is used. However, it must always follow the Federal Fair Housing Act. This act makes it against the law to discriminate against rental applicants based on the following:
- Skin color or race
- Religion
- Nationality
- Familial status
- Disability
- Gender
Take advantage of printable templates of the form online if you are interested in a rental property in Maine.

Rental Application Fee
At the moment, in Maine, there is no limit to what can be charged to submit a Rental Application Form. In most cases in the state and around the country, a Rental Application fee will be around $30.
The price will usually depend on the cost of living where the rental property is located, so it may be much higher or lower than the standard fee.
Security Deposits
Security deposits are not a legal requirement in Maine. However, a landlord will most likely request one to begin a residency.
However, there is a limit to the amount a landlord can charge you for a security deposit. The maximum amount for a security deposit in the state of Maine is equal to 2 months’ rent (§ 6032).
Whenever the lease ends, and the property is maintained without damages, the deposit must be returned after a certain number of days, depending on the lease.