Idaho Rental Application Form
There is a certain level of risk for landlords when they decide to rent out their property to a tenant that they do not know at all. That is why, in most cases, a landlord will want to see a completed Rental Application Form.
By submitting an Idaho Rental Application Form along with the applicant’s credit score, income, criminal history, and eviction record, a landlord should be able to make a sound decision when considering possible tenants.
All of this information will tell a landlord if a possible tenant has enough income and a history of good behavior in and outside previous rental units.
The landlord has the final say on Rental Application Forms. However, whichever form is used must always adhere to laws stated in the Federal Fair Housing Act.
This act makes it illegal to discriminate against rental applicants based on the possible tenant’s:
- Skin color or race
- Religion
- Nationality
- Disability
- Gender
- Familial status
Use a Rental Application Form printable template to ensure that the correct decisions are made in a tenant selection process.

Rental Application Fee
At the state level, there is no law that determines a limit to rental application fees in Idaho. A landlord can charge whatever amount they wish.
However, it’s a good idea for landlords and tenants to check to see if any local regulations exist before charging or paying a fee.
Security Deposits
No security deposit fee limit exists in the state of Idaho. A landlord can charge an applicant any amount they feel is necessary.
Returning a security deposit, on the other hand is regulated by the Idaho State legislature.
Once the lease that was created based on a verbal agreement ends, the deposit must be returned to the tenant within the next 21 days.
For a written fixed lease, the deposit must be returned within 30 days after the term finishes.